Stop Mobile Chernobyl
“Expedited motion” filed by a coalition of concerned citizens, environmental organizations, and Native American/First Nation tribes against U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Bill Richardson regarding the “Parallex” shipment of experimental weapons-grade plutonium mixed oxide fuel from Los Alamos Nuclear Lab in New Mexico, through Michigan, to Chalk River Nuclear Lab, Ontario, Canada,
NIRS delivers signatures of 42,000+ people urging stop to Mobile Chernobyl bill (S. 1240) to Senate Energy Committee. Press release.
Senate Gang of 4 releases waste bill encouraging "interim" storage. Bill text and other documents.
The Senate Energy Committee has posted all of the comments (more than 3,000) it received on its draft radwaste bill.
Four Senators (Senate Energy Committee Chair Wyden, Feinstein, Alexander and Murkowski) introduce "discussion draft" of major high-level radioactive waste bill. Includes "interim" storage which would unleash massive transport of radwaste across the country. The Senators also ask several questions for further discussion, and two (Alexander & Feinstein) propose accelerated "interim" storage. Link is to Senate Energy Committee site with draft and several related documents.
New report from Common Sense at the Nuclear Crossroads Campaign: Is a Mobile Chernobyl converging on the Southeast? The Bush administration’s GNEP project could bring high-level waste–from all across the world–to the South, with the Asheville, North Carolina area in the center of the crosshairs.