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Green World Blog

News, views & musings for our nuclear-free, carbon-free future

  • NIRS Joins Ukrainian Calls for Sanctions on Russian Nuclear Industry

    This week, the Energy Transition Coalition, an alliance of Ukrainian environmental and climate organizations, appealed directly to President Biden to expand US sanctions to Russia’s nuclear energy sector. The US nuclear industry initially lobbied President Biden not to do so, but in recent days they have shifted their stance, at least publicly. We will say…

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  • NIRS Stands with the People of Ukraine

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is extremely distressing and an unjustified act of aggression. NIRS expresses our solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people, their safety and well-being, and their right to sovereignty and self-determination. The extraordinary danger of Russia’s invasion has already been underscored by its assault on Ukrainian forces at the Chornobyl nuclear disaster…

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  • Dirty Money, Dirty Energy, Dirtier Politics — Big Nuclear and Sen. Joe Manchin’s Power Grab

    For months Democratic leaders in Congress have been embroiled in negotiations and strategic efforts to write and, ultimately, pass the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376), a sweeping package to deliver widely popular (and desperately needed) social programs, climate action, and infrastructure revitalization. In their efforts, Congress has also pursued the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and…

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  • Billions for Nuclear R&D Could Cost Us the Climate

    The climate crisis is accelerating. We have no time to waste idling in the status quo of the carbon economy. We can invest in the carbon-free, renewable energy future we need – and we must. Wrangling greenhouse emissions and taking swift, effective action to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis is the most urgent…

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  • GreenWorld Podcast

    Welcome to the GreenWorld Podcast, hosted by the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS). NIRS is a national non-profit organization devoted to a nuclear-free, carbon-free world. We have served as the information and networking hub for people and organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues since 1978. On the GreenWorld…

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  • Nuclear Power Runs on Dirty Money: The Corporate Scandal of the Proposed National Nuclear Subsidy

    A few days ago, we published a piece showing the cost of federal nuclear bailout proposals. It’s a big, big number — $50 billion. But all of that money would not create a single new job, nor reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a single pound. In fact, as a new report released last month found, investing that…

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  • Crunching the Numbers: How Much Would a National Nuclear Bailout Cost?

    You asked: How much would a national nuclear bailout cost taxpayers? So, we did the math. There are two answers to this question, based on two different pieces of proposed legislation: the Senate bipartisan infrastructure deal and a bill jointly introduced in the House and Senate (H.R.4024/S.2291), which the sponsors want included in the Democrats’…

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  • How Nuclear Bailouts Would Cost over 60,000 Green American Jobs

    Let’s talk jobs.  Specifically:  how many jobs would a nuclear bailout actually create? Spoiler alert! None.  Over the last few weeks, we’ve shown why subsidizing nuclear power is a bad investment for climate, environmental justice, and renewable energy. Earlier this month, we co-released a major report with Friends of the Earth that shows why nuclear…

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  • Justice for Downwinders: Remembering the Trinity Bomb Blast and Church Rock Uranium Disaster

    Seventy-six years ago, on July 16, 1945, the first nuclear bomb in the world was exploded in the desert of New Mexico by U.S. military scientists and officials. 40,000 people lived within 50 miles of the blast, many living self-sustained off the landscape. As soon as the bomb went off, the fallout began. Over many…

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  • Cooper Report: Building a 21st Century Electricity System

    Report: Proposed Nuclear Industry Subsidies Will Waste Taxpayer Dollars, Renewables Cheaper and More Reliable Alternative   Proposals from the White House and Congress would invest up to $50 billion dollars in subsidies for aging, uneconomical nuclear power plants over the next decade. A new report by economist and consumer advocate Dr. Mark Cooper shows that…

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