GreenWorld Archives · NIRS

Green World Blog

News, views & musings for our nuclear-free, carbon-free future

  • Greenworld Blog: PRIDE Edition: “The Climate Crisis Is Here–How Do We Save The Lesbians?” by Ann McCann

    Lesbian households do and will continue to bear the brunt of the climate crisis and the wildly inflated costs of utility billing in the US, and as such must be at the frontline of our understanding of how to protect these frontline communities in our engaged activism. It is common understanding that women (and this…

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  • Germany’s Nuclear Energy Phase-Out, Explained

    On April 15, 2023 utilities in Germany shut down the country’s three last remaining nuclear power plants. These closures mark the successful planned phase-out of German nuclear energy from the nation’s grid.  What does this mean for Germany? What lessons should the U.S. take away from the German energy transition?  Germany’s Energiewende (“energy transition”) is an overarching…

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  • One Small Step for Nuclear Fusion, No Giant Leap for Climate Action 

    NIRS Statement on 12/13/22 DOE Nuclear Fusion Announcement  Today, the US Department of Energy announced what scientists consider a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion research. In the DOE’s press release, they celebrate “a major scientific breakthrough decades in the making that will pave the way for advancements in national defense and the future of clean…

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  • Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2022

    Last year, on October 8, 2021, President Biden issued a proclamation on Indigenous Peoples’ Day, recognizing the holiday federally for the first time. Indigenous Peoples’ Day honors and celebrates the sovereignty and vibrant and diverse cultures, contributions, and lifeways of Indigenous Peoples. In the United States, that means honoring the American Indians, Alaska Natives, and…

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  • NIRS Statement in Response to the Inflation Reduction Act: Climate Compromises and Sacrifices Are Not Justifiable 

    For years, the world has wondered what it would look like if and when the US government took concrete action in response to climate change. Now we know – and it isn’t pretty. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) is not truly a climate bill, and is certain to harm the very communities that…

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  • Honoring a Landmark Environmental Justice Victory in Louisiana 

    Today, we celebrate the story of Homer, Louisiana — a community that defeated a proposed uranium enrichment plant in 1997, one the first environmental justice victories!  This weekend, we commemorate and celebrate Juneteenth, honoring the struggle for Black liberation in the US. Officially proclaimed a federal holiday last year by Congress, Juneteenth is named for…

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  • New Yorkers Paid Billions for a Bad Nuclear Bailout – Don’t Let Michigan Make the Same Mistake 

    Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is playing with fire. She could end up repeating a mistake that is burning us here in New York for billions of dollars–running up electric bills with expensive subsidies for aging and unprofitable nuclear power plants. Michiganders beware: Gov. Whitmer’s push for a last-minute federal bailout to keep the Palisades nuclear power…

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  • Clean and Renewable Energy is Essential to Peace and Security 

    Over the last few weeks, we have shared a series of blog posts on the nuclear policy complications of the Russian war on Ukraine. This horrendous and distressing war must end and Russia must withdraw its forces from the country of Ukraine immediately, so that we can all begin the complex work of establishing peace…

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  • The Impacts of Sanctions on Russian Uranium to the U.S. Nuclear Industry: A Nonissue

    NIRS has joined our counterparts in Ukraine, calling for sanctions on Russia’s nuclear industry, including a ban on imports of uranium from Rosatom, the state-owned nuclear conglomerate. Doing so should not depend on there being no impact on the U.S. economy–we should have the courage of our convictions, and bringing an end to the wanton…

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  • Nuclear Risks of the Ukraine Conflict and Why the U.S. MUST Sanction Russian Nuclear

    It is increasingly urgent to do all we can to end Russia’s war on Ukraine and achieve a peaceful withdrawal of Russian forces from the country. Untold thousands of civilians have now been killed. Over one-fourth of Ukraine’s population–more than 10 million people–have been displaced from their homes and cities, many of which have been…

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