Presented Thurs, Nov. 10, 2016 8 pm to 9:30pm Eastern by Karen Hadden, SEED Coalition TX, Arjun Makhijani, IEER, & Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear.
An overview of the Nuclear Fuel Chain: uranium mining, milling, conversion, "enrichment" (concentrating U- 235), fuel fabrication, nuclear power reactors, waste and routine radioactive emissions, nuclear transportation, storage and "disposal."
Presented Thurs, Nov. 3, 2016 8pm to 9:30pm Eastern by Mary Olson, NIRS.
“Expedited motion” filed by a coalition of concerned citizens, environmental organizations, and Native American/First Nation tribes against U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Bill Richardson regarding the “Parallex” shipment of experimental weapons-grade plutonium mixed oxide fuel from Los Alamos Nuclear Lab in New Mexico, through Michigan, to Chalk River Nuclear Lab, Ontario, Canada,
Oral comments of Amargosa Conservancy at public hearing on Yucca Mountain Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement