“The nuclear “renaissance” stalls with pending collapse of proposed Calvert Cliffs-3 reactor in Maryland,” article by NIRS executive director Michael Mariotte (updated and condensed from August 5, 2010 posting on DailyKos).
“The nuclear “renaissance” stalls with pending collapse of proposed Calvert Cliffs-3 reactor in Maryland,” article by NIRS executive director Michael Mariotte (updated and condensed from August 5, 2010 posting on DailyKos).
NRC Commissioners order hearing on foreign ownership/domination issues in Calvert Cliffs-3 case and uphold rights of people within 50 miles of any reactor to participate in licensing decisions. NRC rejects all arguments from nuclear utility UniStar Nuclear in appeals case.
Joint intervenors brief to Maryland Public Service Commission asserting PSC has jurisdiction over Electricite de France investment in Constellation Energy, and full examination of this proposed transaction is necessary.
The High Cost of Nuclear Power: Why America Should Choose a Clean Energy Future over New Nuclear Reactors, a new report by Maryland PIRG Foundation.