Audio file (mp3) of NIRS’ telebriefing featuring Fairewind Associates’ Arnie Gundersen and NIRS’ Mary Olson discussing their recent five-week trip to Japan on the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Fairewinds Associates has posted the NRC assessment referred to in yesterday’s New York Times (see April 6 update below). Well worth reading. This assessment warned of possible new damage from further aftershocks.
Video and statement by Green Action's Aileen Mioko Smith at march/rally celebrating the shutdown of two Takahama reactors by citizens who took the issue to court.
New PSR/IPPNW Report: 10,000 cancers expected in Japan as a result of Fukushima meltdowns, ongoing radiation exposure.
Citizens Nuclear Information Center (Tokyo) newsletter, including status of Fukshima accident and decommissioning activities five years later.
Summing up the health effects of the Fukushima disaster. A brief, but extremely useful summary of the health effects, both physical and mental, from British scientist Dr. Ian Fairlie.