Federal Register notice of NRC acceptance of tritium analysis petition
Federal Register notice of NRC acceptance of tritium analysis petition.
Federal Register notice of NRC acceptance of tritium analysis petition.
Letter from State of Pennsylvania to NRC regarding improper disposal of tritium filled devices now leaking into groundwater from public landfills.
DOE announces intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for tritium production at TVA reactors (including possibly completing unfinished Bellefontecomplex!). Comments are due DOE Notice. Oppose this unnecessary and dangerous concept. Quote former Senator Hatfield (see below).
NRC paper on possible testing of tritium assemblies at Watts Bar. NRC concludes that TVA will have to get a license amendment to use Watts Bar, and will have to provide more info if they want to enter the tritium production program,
Greenpeace press release on DOE plan to produce tritium in commercial reactors,
Greenpeace factsheet on tritium production in commercial reactors,
Updated info on Nuclear Control Institute MOX website, Greenpeace press release on Hanford’s Fast Flux Test Reactor as tritium producer, January 1997
Act Now! – Stop Imminent Plans for Secret, Large-scale Nuclear Power Waste Trafficking across our Borders! Wastes would contaminate U.S. recycling streams & U.S. consumer goods! TAKOMA PARK, MD: Diane D’Arrigo of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) will speak by satellite at 7 PM Wednesday, November 1, 2017, at the Donald Dodge Auditorium, St. Clair…
The U.S. Department of Energy is preparing to use plutonium-based (or MOX–mixed oxide) fuel in commercial nuclear reactors. In addition, the DOE is producing tritium for nuclear weapons in civilian reactors operated by Tennessee Valley Authority. These far-reaching steps violate every non-proliferation principle advanced by the U.S. government for decades. NIRS is unalterably opposed to…
In 2020, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) proposed a reinterpretation of its own regulations that would essentially allow all “low-level” radioactive waste to be considered VLLW or “Very Low Level” and go to places without a nuclear license. We call it Very Large Lies about radioactive Waste: VLLW. Tell the NRC: No nuclear waste in…