Video of today's NIRS webinar, Chernobyl +30: A Look from the Inside, with Lucas Hixson. Mr. Hixson recently traveled to Ukraine and visited the Chernobyl site. He takes us from the moment reactor Unit 4 failed on April 26, the aftermath, and the ongoing mitigation work, up to his own recent experiences living with today’s workers at the site of one of the largest man-made radioactive releases on the planet. Slides only from presentation.
New report from Green Cross: The Financial Costs of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster: A Review of the Literature
TORCH 2016. Update of 2006's The Other Report on Chernobyl, detailing the ongoing health effects of that nuclear disaster nearing its 30th anniversary. From Global 2000/Friends of the Earth, Austria.
Important new critique from IPPNW and PSR: Critical Analysis of the UNSCEAR Report "Levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and tsunami."
New UCS report on nuclear power safety in US one year after Fukushima. Says industry's voluntary FLEX program is inadequate for nuclear power safety.
New mapping tool from NRDC shows potential consequences from nuclear accident at every U.S. reactor site based on actual weather patterns from March 11, 2011.
Are you at risk? New Greenpeace International interactive map showing nuclear reactors/population around the world.