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From: ncohen12@home.com
To: JerseyShore-announce ,
JerseyShoreNuclearWatch , Coalition-students , Kevin Kamps , nrc concerns , nukenet
Subject: 6/18 :press release on the June 18th Nuclear Waste Cask Tour, Press Conference, and Teach-in. Hope to see you all there for these events.
thanks norm cohen (doing the media work) edith gbur, co-chair, jersey shore nuclear watch

Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch
PO Box 4823,
Brick, NJ, 08723

Date: 06/09/01:
For Immediate Release:
Assignment Editors, Environment Reporters, Community Calendars:

The Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch, in cooperation with NIRS, the Nuclear Information Resource Service, will co-sponsor a mock nuclear waste shipment to the Oyster Creek Nuclear Plant during rush hour on Monday, June 18th, leaving from Ocean County College at approximately 5:00 PM and arriving at Oyster Creek at about 6:00 PM. The shipment will travel down US Route 9 to the nuclear plant. This mock nuclear waste shipment is part of the "Mobile Chernobyl" Tour organized by NIRS (Nuclear Information Resource Service). The mock cask will be arriving in Ocean County after visits to nuclear power plants in New York State. There will be a press conference and photo opportunity at the entrance to the Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, at 6:00 PM, the approximate arrival time for the mock nuclear waste cask.
Speakers include: Kevin Kamps, nuclear waste specialist with Nuclear Information & Resource Service based in Washington, D.C.,
Edith Gbur, co-chair of the Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch,
Barbara Baline, "the Tooth Fairy", and
Norm Cohen, Executive Director of the Coalition for Peace and Justice.
A "Teach-in" on the dangers of nuclear waste storage and transportation will follow at 7:30 p.m., in room A-109 of the Ocean County College Instructional Building. Presenters include Kamps and Gbur. The Teach-in is co-sponsored by the Ocean County College's Social Science Department.
The cask will depart from the Oyster Creek Nuclear Plant at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, June 19th, and travel to Lower Alloways Township, home of the Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Plants. The public is invited to join the mock cask caravan, to come to the teach-in, or attend the press conference and photo opportunity. All events are free.

PHOTO OP: Full scale model of a high-level radioactive waste container. Full scale replica nuclear waste storage and transport container. Dumbbell shaped metallic cylinder, 18 feet long and 8 feet tall, hauled on a 20 foot long trailer. This is the actual size and shape of a radioactive waste container that would be used to store fuel on-site at the Salem and Hope Creek nuclear power plants and to transport irradiated fuel rods on the highway. This colorful educational parade float is emblazoned with information on the dangers of atomic waste storage, transport and disposal.

Nuclear Information & Resource Service > 1424 16th Street, N.W., Suite 404 Washington, D.C. 20036
Ph. 202.328.0002,
Fax 202.462.2183
nirsnet@nirs.org, www.nirs.org

Edith Gbur: 732-255-8044

Barbara Baline: 732-914-1590

Norm Cohen: 609-601-8583/8537