Congressional Record Highlights

of Debate on S. 1936

Nevada Senators reject proposal by Majority Leader Trent Lott, which would have delayed vote on S. 1936 until September 3, but would have removed their rights after vote. 7/11/96

Sen. Barbara Boxer suggests that Lott should withdraw S. 1936; Lott refuses. 7/11/96

List of population centers on radioactive waste transport routes; submitted by Sen. Bryan. 7/10/96.

Senator Bryan points out radiation standards under S. 1936 for Yucca Mountain and Nevada are far higher than for other waste facilities. 7/10/96

Senator Craig's (R-Idaho) statement in support of S. 1936 (Craig is lead sponsor of the bill). 7/10/96

Senator Reid on possibilities and probabilities of waste transport accidents. 7/10/96

Senators Reid & Bryan on radiation standards and unfairness to Nevada. 7/10/96

Senators Reid & Bryan explain that nuclear industry wants S. 1936 to transfer title to and liability for radioactive waste to taxpayers. 7/10/96